Every indoor arena is 100% compliant with the EU and international regula-tions for the design, pro-duction and installation of modular constructions, covered riding arenas and building in general.
• Eurocodes (EN 1990, EN 1991, EN 1992, EN 1993, EN 1994, EN 1995, EN 1996, EN 1997, EN 1998, EN 1999) for the structural design.
Cover Technology arenas and covers are designed in compliance with the highest safety require-ments governed by the regional decrees regarding the protection of health and safety in the work-place. They fully meet the requirements of resistance, service conditions and durability prescribed by the National and European regulations in force; in addition to the most stringent requirements stated in STANAG and AEC.
Furthermore, for the snow-wind loads, it is essential that the EN 13782 (European standard suitable for temporary structures/traveling tents) is not used since it is in conflict with European law for facili-ties that are installed for more than a few days.
2020 - Maneggio Coperto a brand by Cover Technology Srl
Via Caplà, 3 – 25080 Serle (Brescia) Italy | Tel +39 0306908111 | P.Iva 02233770987 | REA 432976